lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Auto insurance basic policy

In most part of the world, it is mandatory for you to have an auto insurance policy to protect you and others in case you have an accident, rubbery, or any other situation where you and your car can be affected. Auto insurance is basically a contract between a policy holder and the insurance company, where this last one, commits to pay for damages according to what the policy establishes. Consecutively, we will give you some basic knowledge about auto insurance, so you can be familiarized and informed about this topic.

Most auto insurance companies cover:

A medical expense, to treat injures caused by accidents and sometimes it also covers funeral expenses in case of death.

Property, for fixing you car from damages produced by theft or car crashes.

Liability, to cover legal responsibility caused to others, whether is to a car or for injuring someone.

In most of the United States, in order to drive a car, people need at least a basic auto insurance policy, besides a driver’s license and the car’s documents.

Who else does an auto insurance policy cover?

Most auto insurance policies will include covering your family members in case they are driving your car with your permission; it also covers other cars’ damages if you are driving them with the owner’s consent. Auto insurance policies also cover damages in case you are transporting people through UBER or other kind of transportation company.

What auto insurance coverage is mandatory?

In some places of the United States laws referring auto insurance change, but in almost every state is mandatory to have:

Property liability, which covers damages to other caused by you or other person that could be driving your car.

Bodily injury liability, which covers injuries caused to you or other person while driving your car, during a car accident.

Personal Injury Protection, it covers injuries for you and a passenger, in case you have an accidents or other kind of mishap.

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